Holistic marketing

The holistic marketing approach is not overly common in German corporate culture. On the contrary, our marketing departments are often reduced to advertising departments. However, advertising products and services and thus allowing the sales departments to yield greater revenues is just one small part of the whole marketing process.

Philip Kotler, the American economist and professor of marketing, hits the nail on the head: “Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit.”

In local corporate cultures, the actual marketing responsibility is expressed as a poorly defined or a completely undefined management task. However, more and more companies are acknowledging the cogent causalities between strategic positioning, brand management or else business development and the accompanying holistic marketing strategy.

Marketing – i.e. the entire cycle from product and service development right through to commercialisation and aftersales services – affects all business divisions and is thus an essential process-related topic for full-service agencies such as Riba BusinessTalk.

The RBT:Consulting advisors are trained in holistic marketing approaches.

Their actions are consistent and have an entrepreneurial outlook. RBT:Consulting supports its customers with the implementation of coherent marketing processes and thus optimises the future strategic orientation of the company – both internally and externally – in a targeted manner.


MarCom strategy

The information and communication culture has changed greatly in the digital age: communication channels are now much shorter and the time it takes to reach recipients has supposedly been greatly reduced.

However, it is also true that the possibilities offered by PR are much more complex nowadays and the recipients are now likely to be much more selective due to the sheer amount of information.

This also means that wide-ranging marketing is becoming increasingly ineffective and the need for intelligent and selective communication is becoming even greater.

Successful market communication has many dimensions. Multi-channel marketing offers diverse possibilities, especially in fast-paced innovation sectors, such as the IT industry. However, the laws and options with regards to communication in the IT value-added chain in particular are at least as subtle as the ever more complex sales processes.

The RBT:Consulting advisors help their customers to define a clear and profitable MarCom strategy. Their expertise proves advantageous for the combination of internal potential analysis and external perception. With selective MarCom strategies, RBT:Consulting makes a significant contribution to ensuring that the marketing budget of their customers is used effectively and efficiently.


Channel Marketing

“Time to market” is a major factor in the fast-paced IT industry. It is therefore of vital importance to quickly and regularly provide the distribution department, specialist trade and end consumers, for example, with information and to thus make the entire supply chain aware of product purchasing.

A precise segmentation of the target customer groups and extensive knowledge about their purchasing behaviour are particularly crucial here. It is necessary to come up with multi-channel marketing plans in order to address the entire purchasing potential over various channels in equal measure.

The essential complexity of multi-channel marketing lies in the continual shifting of the sales channels and the accompanying transformed purchasing/procurement behaviour of the target customer groups.

Additional “access channels”, which lie outside the domain of ‘direct penetration’, may be used in order to convince potential buyers of products and services: so-called cross-selling – for example, when a customer receives a discount voucher to purchase a security suite after having already bought a PC. Cross-selling is advantageous in that this advertising measure directly addresses the potential need. This ensures that scatter losses do not even come into question thanks to the selective addressing of the target customers. Manufacturers often even find a bi-directional way to advertise one another.

Having an external point of view allows the RBT:Consulting advisors to be creative with potential marketing methods. Taking market shifts into consideration and demonstrating the resulting opportunities and risks, our advisors help customers to avoid committing significant cardinal sins.


Online Marketing

Online marketing ranges from the simple graphical display of an online presence, through search engine optimisation (SEO), banner placement and newsletter distribution, to complex affiliate structures or else Google Adwords (SEM).

The topic of online marketing thus includes all areas which are directly or indirectly linked to the appearance of digital communication and information.

The importance of online worlds – from social media through to expensive lead generation tools – is increasingly rapidly. It is also worth noting that the demands placed on digital company presences continue to increase. Ultimately, the internet is the perfect platform for precise target-group marketing. However, many companies do not have the required expertise or the awareness to make the most of this opportunity.
The RBT:Consulting advisors are qualified specialists in the field of online marketing: from actual state analysis, through best-case strategies, to the operational execution of the plan – they support our customers through the entire process. This ensures that results in the digital field can be made measurable and optimised on an ongoing basis.