With rbt: media services:

Generate effective synergies between marketing and PR Benefit from intelligently structured campaigns rather than marketing ‘on demand’ The burden will be completely taken off your shoulders and you can completely focus on achieving your marketing goals

Media purchasing and planning with rbt:
generating awareness, promoting growth


rbt: actively supports you with precise target-group media planning in the selection of appropriate channels of communication for multi-channel sales, branding and lead generation.

We find the optimal media mix for your advertising targets, create a detailed budget plan and turn your campaigns into resounding successes with accompanying PR measures.


rbt: currently supports the majority of its existing PR customers with detailed media planning, posting adverts and implementing online marketing measures.

As a professional PR agency, we thus take the burden off the respective marketing departments. Our range of services includes media planning, handling media purchasing, handling print data as well as coordinating cross-media marketing measures with media partners and publishers. Benefit now from professional market planning and find out more information from rbt: about individual preferential terms with regards media purchasing.