The clear visualisation and addressing of an advert are the keys to success of a marketing campaign.
Together with you, we come up with attractive advertising concepts in line with the target market requirements. Cross-media effects– for example, a supplementary cross-media strategy which allows in-depth information to be retrieved – are of great importance here.
Whether you want to improve your image or you would like to address new target markets or sectors by means of a brochure:
from the strategic concept, through comprehensive research work, to the well-thought-out graphic design – we realise sustainable communication concepts for impressive image and product brochures.
Today, the website of a company is of paramount importance and the significance continues to grow on a daily basis.
Websites have exactly two tasks: to establish trust and an image and to convert interested parties into customers – so-called “Conversion”. Our homepage concepts, based on Typo3 or CMS, are SEO optimised and developed in line with the W3C standards. Microsites offer the possibility of presenting sectoral information in an eye-catching manner and with plenty of space. We can create perfect landing page structures together with you. From the strategic planning to the conversion strategy, we create effective pages with you which have a very clear focus. The conversion of interested parties into YOUR customers.
Logos are important bearers of your messages and have the ability to trigger emotions.
A logo is far from being limited to the presentation of the company itself. We also create logos for service areas, promotions or campaigns to support a focussed overall presentation.
In the fight for the market and customers, the tools for improving customer loyalty are also becoming more and more sophisticated.
Gamification and customer engagement are the buzzwords here. Implemented professionally, they may be the core of cross-media campaigns and successfully engage and entice customers and interested parties.